How Hunters & Ranchers Can BOTH Benefit | Tanner Anderson & Cassie Jumper - Ep 019 - UC Hunting Properties

How Hunters & Ranchers Can BOTH Benefit | Tanner Anderson & Cassie Jumper – Ep 019

Montana is known as “The Treasure State” and we think that couldn’t ring more true! Big Sky Country is one of our crew’s favorite places on earth and the lifestyles of ranching and hunting have defined the landscape of this country but for a long time there has been a disconnect between the two parties. Agents Cassie Jumper & Tanner Anderson from Northwest Realty see that changing and it opens doors for so much more opportunity for best use of the land for everyone. We talk with Tanner and Cassie about how they go out of their way to market their clients properties the extra mile and some of their strategies to grow even when times are tough! We also get a little mid-week hunt update from Travis Hamele and Tyler Dostal who are out there on their 3rd year hunting prairie Mule Deer with Harris Hunts!