Master Whitetail Deer Hunting with THIS | Jake Hofer [Whitetail Master Academy] - Ep 017 - UC Hunting Properties

Master Whitetail Deer Hunting with THIS | Jake Hofer [Whitetail Master Academy] – Ep 017

Jake has been around the hunting industry since early on when he started selling deer urine from the deer his family raised. From then on, Jake has started multiple successful podcasts (The Land Podcast & The Exodus Podcast), grown countless outdoor brands, owns Exodus Outdoor Gear and he isn’t stopping! Jake recently took over Whitetail Master Academy which is a one stop shop for EVERYTHING you need to know when it comes to hunting, land management, and anything else that falls into the category. We are excited to hopefully offer a program/partnership with WMA in the near future and hope you enjoy hearing Jake on the other side of the conversation than normal on his show.